Friday, January 23, 2009

#11: Vegetables (YURGGHH!) Ndiwo za Masamba

And this is true, no matter how awful some of them may be, a true Nyasa woman will not pass up the chance to serve vegetables. In Nyasaland, serve-able vegetables are usually green and should best be left somewhere in some garden photosynthesizing for some poor plant. Examples are Nkhwani (pumpkin leaves)-these ones are tasty I'll admit, especially with groundnut flour- other examples are khwanya (potato leaves), chigwada (cassava leaves) and then there are your usual veggies like Chinese cabbage, regular cabbage, lettuce, spinach, Kale? etc.

One thing not to fail miserably at is identifying the vegetables by name. There is an unwritten law that you have to know especially the green veggies by name (which is hard since there are so many varieties). Otherwise one will pose this question to you, "koma inu nanunso, simungawone kuti uyu ndi chomoliya?" Ndikanadziwa bwanji, mukuanangonditima mabilinganya!"